Protect your players with these high impact nets. Most common uses are dugouts and pitching machine protection in commercial batting cages. These nets are available in both nylon and Ultra netting.
UHMWPE (ultra-high-molecular-weight-polyethyene) is often sold under the brand names of Spectra or Dyneema. We call this material Ultra. Most major league teams use this type netting for its improved play visibility, superior strength, high abrasion resistance, and better UV resistance.
Please phone for prices of sizes not listed.
#60 Nylon — 560 lb Test Twine — 1 7/8" Mesh
#96 Nylon — 900 lb Test Twine — 1 7/8" Mesh
#36 Ultra — 840 lb Test Twine — 1 3/4" Mesh

Size 36 twine with a penny for scale

Size 60 twine with a penny for scale

Size 96 twine with a penny for scale