(Click inside picture for higher resolution picture)
Made in the USA, not a cheap imported counterfeit.
Fish Grip is 11" long.
Fish Grip Junior is 7" long.

(Click inside picture for higher resolution picture)
Mark Davis, Host of Bigwater
Adventures TV Show
Notice to Conservation-Minded Anglers:
Anglers who wish to release their catch in a relatively unharmed condition should discontinue the ancient practice of
lifting a fish from the water by its mouth. Recent scientific studies reveal that this could possibly be a death
sentence, expecially for larger fish. Though they may vigorusly swim away after being photographed, weighed, and
released, fish could slowly hermorrhage and die if held up by the mouth.
A fish's
delicate internal organs are shifted and damaged by gravity alone when held out of water in a vertical position. We
strongly recommend gaining good control of a fish while it is still in the water by clamping the Fish Grip onto its
jaw. This will enable the angler to more securly lift the fish horizontally from the water with a hand under the
fish's belly for support.
The Fish Grip is a fish landing device developed by an expert angler and used by many fishing
guides. You have our assurance that this quality product will help successfully land fish with less chance of injury
to either the fish or the fisherman.