Setting Catfish Traps

A short introduction for those who are new to setting catfish traps: these traps should be baited and set with the open end pointed downstream or towards open water in still waters (we recommend Block Bait or cheese). It is best to soak for 2 to 3 days, when conditions allow.

Catfish Trap Nets - Treated

Proudly Made in the USA

Yellow Catfish ("Yellow Cat") Blue Catfish (" Blue Cat")

Catfish Trap Net, treated. Hoops made of Nylon. HNC-2011N

Hoop SizeNumber HoopsSquare MeshTwine SizeApprox. LengthStock NumberPrice Each
20"4 Fiber1 1/8"#154.5'HNC-2011$ 120.95
30"5 Fiber1"#157'HNC-3010$ 233.95
30"5 Fiber1 1/8"#157'HNC-3011$ 205.95
30"5 Fiber1 1/4"#157'HNC-3012$ 182.95
30"5 Fiber1 1/2"#157'HNC-3015$ 158.95

Stock No. HNC-2011 pictured.

5% Discount 3 or more nets.
In stock for immediate shipment.
HNC-1810 and HNC-3011 nets come with a flat throat in the
tail. All other nets have a finger type throat in the tail.
All these nets have a square type throat in the front.

Reinforcement Wire Catfish Net additional handling fees required

Reinforcement Wire Catfish Trap Net - HNC-W1910

  •  Proudly Made in the USA#15 Netting, mesh stretched around concrete reinforcement wire.
  • 2 throats, square in front, flat in tail.
  • Draw string in tail.
  • Treated with Netcoat.
  • In stock for immediate shipment.
  • HNC-W2415 has finger flew for game fish and larger catfish.
  • Shipping HNC-W2415 can cost more than $150. Call 1-800-256-5256 for a quote.

Wire Catfish Net Size Comparison

Sq. MeshDiameterLengthStock NumberPrice EachPlease note
1"19"48"HNC-W1910$ 59.95Shipping normally runs
between $55 and $75
for these nets.
1 1/4"19"48"HNC-W1912$ 57.95
1 1/2"19"48"HNC-W1915$ 55.95
1 1/2"24"60"HNC-W2415 (call!)$ 59.95Call 1-800-256-5256 for a ship quote.

5% discount on 3 to 9 nets.
10% discount on 10 or more. 

Nets & More assistant manager Michael Crawford runs a wire net.

Replacement Webbs for Wire Catfish Nets

Sq. MeshDiameterLengthStock NumberPrice Each
1"19"48"HNC-W1910W$ 40.41
1 1/4"19"48"HNC-W1912W$ 42.85
1 1/2"19"48"HNC-W1915W$ 40.65
1 1/2"24"60"HNC-W2415W$ 43.96

Some webs are stocked, otherwise they usually take 2 to 4 days to ship.
All webs are shipped treated, unless you add a note during checkout.