Chart for Mesh Deep to get 10 feet deep

Ratio of 29.3%, 33.3% (1/3), 50% (1/2), and 66.7% (2/3)

Stretched Mesh
Square Mesh
1 3/4" Str.
7/8" Sq.
2" Str.
1" Sq.
2½" Str.
 1 1/4 Sq.
3" Str.
1 1/3" Sq.
3 1/2" Str.
1 3/4" Sq.
3 3/4" Str.
1 7/8" Sq.
4" Str.
2" Sq.
5" Str.
2½" Sq.
6" Str.
3" Sq.
7" Str.
 3½" Sq.
8" Str.
4" Sq.
Ratio Height as % of Str Mesh Mesh Deep to get 10 feet
29.3% 70.7% 97 85 68 57 48 45 42 34 28 24 21
33.3% 74.6% 92 80 64 54 46 43 40 32 27 23 20
50.0% 86.6% 79  
69 55 46 40 37 35 28 23 20 17
66.7% 94.3% 73 64 51 42 36 34 32 25 21 18 16
HOW TO READ CHART: Use the following formula to get other heights (widths)
Divide the mesh deep for 10' by 10 to get the mesh deep per foot. Multiply the mesh deep per foot by the disired depth to get mesh deep for prefered depth.

 Example:  If you need 1 7/8" square mesh 15 feet deep at 29.3% ratio.
                  Mesh deep from above chart for 10 feet is 45.
                45 ÷ 10 = 4.5 mesh per foot
                4.5 X 15 = 67.5 mesh deep for 15 feet deep